Fully Automatic Cryostat Microtome
Water rich animal and plant tissues are hardened by freezing and cut in a frozen state with a freezing microtome or cryostat microtome. This technique is much faster than the traditional histology (5minutes vs. 16 hours) and is used in conjunction with medical procedures to achieve a quick diagnosis. In a cryostat microtome, embedding the tissue samples in paraffin wax or resin is not necessary. The frozen tissue is sliced using a microtome in an enclosed chamber and the frozen slices are mounted on a glass slide and stained the same way as other normal methods. Some of the commonly used stains for animal tissues are Haematoxylin paired with Eosin, Toluidine blue, Masson's trichrome stain, Mallory's trichrome stain for connective tissues, Wreight's stain for blood cells, Methylene blue, Leishman's stain, Crystal Violet stain etc. Some of the commonly used stains for plant tissues are Iodine, Safranin, Toluidine blue, Eosin Y etc. Most of the stains used in histology, biology and microbiology come from the textile industry of the 19th century. This equipment is manufactured by Medimeas, India.
Some related terminology:
1. Histology – Is the study of the microscopic anatomy of cells and tissues of plants and animals.
2. Cell Biology – Is the study of living cells, their DNA and RNA and proteins they express.
3. Cytology – Is the study of individual cells.
4. Anatomy – Is the study of organs visible by the naked eye.
5. Morphology – Is the study of entire organisms.
6. Histopathology – Is the microscopic study of diseased tissues and cells for diagnosis and medical treatment